Nepenthes villosa x veitchii -
Nepenthes villosa x veitchii -
FIRST PHOTO: Used with permission from @g.exotic.plants - check out their Instagram for some very cool plants.
BE-4016. A fantatic new creation to come out of Borneo exotics pipeline. A must for any collection this cross has great divercity, sometimes the most boring juviniles will turn into the most spectacular adults.
BE-4016 are seed grown individuals, once sold out these genetically unique individuals will not appear again. Photos 1-5 are of representative juvinile plants, however as with the natural species they become far more spectacular in maturity. Photos 6 and 7 are of typical XS plants. Photos 8 and 9 show the exact parents used.
BE-4045 Same as above but from tissue culture and have been supposendly faster growing than the seed grown release, Larger size small plamts.