BE-4623a young pitcher of actual clone.JPG
FEATURED: Nepenthes (veitchii x platychila) x veitchii
FEATURED: Nepenthes villosa x veitchii 'Gold rush'
FEATURED: Nepenthes ventricosa x ephippiata
FEATURED: Nepenthes rajah x flava
from £30.00
FEATURED: Nepenthes villosa x veitchii - Stripy perisomes
Sale Price:£180.00 Original Price:£250.00
sold out
Nepenthes rajah x burbidgeae 'alisaputrana'
from £100.00
Nepenthes rajah x (burbidgeae x edwardsiana)
from £72.00
Nepenthes rajah x eymae
BE-4575a one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes rajah x gymnamphora
BE-4071b one clone.JPG
Nepenthes rajah x klossii - New
sold out
BE-4502a plant in habitat.jpg
Nepenthes rajah x lowii
from £75.00
BE-3788a lower pitcher.jpg
Nepenthes rajah x mira
from £23.00
BE-4510c peltate leaf tip.JPG
Nepenthes rajah x peltata - 'leviathon BE release'
from £20.00
BE-4509c one of the many different clones.JPG
Nepenthes rajah x platychila
from £18.00
BE-4019a actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes rajah x robcantleyi
from £45.00
BE-4083a juvenile pitcher of one clone.JPG
Nepenthes rajah x tenuis
from £25.00
Nepenthes rajah x veitchii
from £50.00
Nepenthes rajah x (veitchii x platychila)
from £50.00
BE-4569c one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes ramispina x hamata
Nepenthes ramispina x reinwardtiana
BE-3939a representative pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes ramispina x robcantleyi
from £20.00
BE-3829b - actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes ramispina x singalana
from £10.00
BE-3789a representative pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes ramispina x spectabilis
Nepenthes robcantleyi x ampullaria
sold out
BE-4023d one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes robcantleyi x (burnidgeae x edwardsiana)
from £30.00
BE-3958b  juvenile representative pitcher peristome detail.JPG
Nepenthes robcantleyi x hamata
from £36.00
WhatsApp Image 2024-09-05 at 12.47.14_cf7e6530.jpg
Nepenthes robcantleyi x jacquelineae..
from £40.00
Nepenthes robcantleyi x merrilliana - NEW
BE-3996b actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes robcantleyi x ovata
from £36.00
Nepenthes robcantleyi x palawanensis
Nepenthes robcantleyi x (spectabilis x aristolochioides)
from £16.00
BE-3982d representative pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes robcantleyi x tenuis
from £25.00
BE-3933c one of the many different clones.JPG
Nepenthes robcantleyi x veitchii (Bareo)
from £24.00
BE-3700c representative lower pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes robcantleyi x veitchii (Sungai Samba)
from £24.00
sold out
BE-4074b one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes robcantleyi x ventricosa
BE-4579b very juvenile pitcher of one of the many clones.JPG
Nepenthes sibuyanensis x attenbourghii
BE-3562a lower pitcher.jpg
Nepenthes sibuyanensis x hamata
from £26.00
BE-4504b very juvenile pitcher of one clone.JPG
Nepenthes sibuyanensis x lowii
from £30.00
BE-4566a juvenile pitcher of one clone.JPG
Nepenthes sibuyanensis x klossii
BE-3542j representative lower pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes sibuyanensis x merrilliana
from £23.00
BE-4532d juvenile pitcher of one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes sibuayanensis x peltata
from £20.00
Nepenthes sibuyanensis x robcantleyi
from £23.00
Nepenthes sibuyanensis x (veitchii x lowii) - selected clone
from £20.00
BE-3986a representative pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes sibuyanensis x (veitchii x lowii)
from £32.00
BE-3744b pitcher of actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes singalana x ampullaria
BE-4092a representative clone.JPG
Nepenthes singalana x aristolochioides
BE-4558d actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes singalana x (burbidgeae x edwardsiana)
BE-3984d juvenile representative pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes singalana x (burbidgeae x edwardsiana)
Nepenthes singalana x burkei
from £20.00
BE-3900b one clone.JPG
Nepenthes singalana x diabolica
from £40.00
BE-3955b representative pitchers.JPG
Nepenthes singalana x hamata (Gunung Lumut)
Sale Price:£32.00 Original Price:£37.00
WhatsApp Image 2024-09-05 at 12.47.13_60510f80.jpg
Nepenthes (singalana x hamata) x hamata
BE-4080b juvenile pitcher of one clone.JPG
Nepenthes singalana x lowii - NEW
unnamed (5).jpg
Nepenthes singalana x ovata
from £18.00
BE-4538c one of the clones showing eye spots.JPG
Nepenthes singalana x reinwardtiana
Nepenthes singalana x tenuis
from £12.00
BE-4050c actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x ampullaria (green)
from £14.00
BE-4073a actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x ampullaria - red
BE-4077e one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x aristolochioides
from £14.00
BE-3978b one clone.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x (burbidgeae x edwardsiana)
from £24.00
BE-4589a one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x (densiflora x spectabilis)
Nepenthes spathulata x diabolica
BE-4048b juvenile pitcher of one clone.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x flava
BE-3790d representative pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x glabrata
from £15.00
BE-3422b mature plant.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x gymnamphora
from £18.00
BE-3792a one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x gymnamphoea Red seed grown
Nepenthes spathulata x hamata
from £36.00
unnamed (7).jpg
Nepenthes spathulata x hamata
BE-3894b actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x jacquelineae
BE-4524a juvenile pitcher of one clone.JPG
Nepenthes spectabilis x lowii
BE-3732a juvenile lower pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x (lowii x tentaculata)
sold out
BE-4541a actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x robcantleyi - NEW
Nepenthes spathulata x singalana
from £22.00
Nepenthes spathulata x spectabilis
from £20.00
BE-4528g actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x spectabilis 'helen'
Nepenthes spathulata x tenuis
from £20.00
BE-3903a actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x tobaica - GREEN
from £12.00
unnamed (8).jpg
Nepenthes spathulata x tobaica
from £15.00
sold out
BE-3648b one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes spathulata x veitchii
from £12.00
Nepenthes spectabilis x bongso
BE-3871a representative juvenile pitcher .JPG
Nepenthes spectabilis x hamata
from £30.00
WhatsApp Image 2024-09-05 at 12.47.16_c4d8a084.jpg
Nepenthes spectabilis x klossii
from £25.00
BE-3760b lower pitcher of actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes spectabilis x platychila
from £15.00
BE-3769a  lower pitcher of actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes spectabilis x talangensis
from £16.00
Nepenthes spectabilis x tenuis
from £24.00
BE-3664b one of the many different clones.jpg
Nepenthes spectabilis x veitchii (Hanging basket available)
from £18.00
BE-3745a actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes spectabilis x ventricosa
from £14.00
BE-4546a one of the many different clones.JPG
Nepenthes talangensis x chaniana
BE-4521a juvenile pitcher of actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes talangensis x diatas, NEW and limited
sold out
BE-3665c actual clone.JPG
Nepenthes talangensis x glandulifera
from £13.00
sold out
BE-4003a one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes talangensis x hamata
from £24.00
BE-4573a one clone.JPG
Nepenthes talangensis x (lowii x tentaculata)
BE-3497a representative mature pitcher.jpg
Nepenthes talangensis x robcantleyi -
from £12.00
sold out
BE-3641e representative pitchers.jpg
Nepenthes talangensis x sibuyanensis
from £20.00
Nepenthes talangensis x spectabilis
from £18.00
BE-4552a juvenile pitcher of one clone.JPG
Nepenthes talangensis x zakariana New for 2023
BE-4511b one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes Xtrusmadiensis x aristolochioides
Nepenthes Xtrusmadiensis x burbidgeae selected clone
from £65.00
Nepenthes Xtrusmadiensis x robcantleyi clone 4
BE-3756b representative pitchers.jpg
Nepenthes veitchii x burbidgeae
from £26.00
sold out
WhatsApp Image 2024-09-05 at 12.47.14_5700db38.jpg
Nepenthes veitchii x (burbidgeae x edwardsiana) - Only three
unnamed (2).jpg
PRE-ORDER Nepenthes veitchii x lowii XL rooted cutting
sold out
BE-4006c intermediate pitcher of one parent.jpg
Nepenthes veitchii x lowii - New and limited
BE-4550a juvenile pitcher of one clone.JPG
Nepenthes (veitchii x lowii) x aristolochioides -
Nepenthes (veitchii x lowii) x burbidgeae
WhatsApp Image 2024-09-05 at 12.47.15_bb5e6c92.jpg
Nepenthes (veitchii x lowii) x (burbidgeae x edwardsiana)
from £38.00
BE-3910a juvenile pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes (veitchii x lowii) x mira
from £16.00
Nepenthes (veitchii x lowii) x platychila.
Nepenthes (veitchii x lowii) x robcantleyi
from £24.00
unnamed (8).jpg
Nepenthes (veitchii x lowii) x robcantleyi - selected clone
from £38.00
BE-3400e representative pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes (veitchii x lowii) x spectabilis
from £20.00
BE-3844b juvenile representative pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes (veitchii x lowii) x sp. #1
from £20.00
BE-4061a juvenile pitcher of one clone.JPG
Nepenthes veitchii x maxima (x tiveyi)
BE-3992d one of the many different clones.JPG
Nepenthes (veitchii x mira) x (burbidgeae x edwardsiana)
from £25.00
BE-4548a one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes (veitchii x mira) x klossii
from £18.00
BE-3213a upper pitcher.jpg
Nepenthes veitchii x platychila
from £20.00
sold out
BE-4616a juvenile pitcher of one clone.JPG
Nepenthes (veitchii x platychila) x lowii
BE-4072a representative pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes (veitchii x platychila) x platychila
BE-4500b pitcher of one of the clones.JPG
Nepenthes veitchii x ventricosa
from £18.00
BE-3401e lower and upper pitchers.jpg
Nepenthes ventricosa x glandulifera
BE-4522a juvenile pitcher of one clone.JPG
Nepenthes ventricosa x attenbourghii - NEW
Nepenthes ventricosa x hamata
from £35.00
Nepenthes (ventricosa x sibuyanensis) x robcantleyi
from £26.00
BE-3295a typical lower pitcher.JPG
Nepenthes ventricosa x sibuyanensis
from £16.00
BE-4099d one of the many different clones.JPG
Nepenthes villosa x hamata
sold out
BE-4079b one clone.JPG
Nepenthes villosa x robcantleyi
sold out
Nepenthes villosa x veitchii -
from £90.00
sold out
Nepenthes vogelii x ventricosa
from £16.00